Oceanhouse Media, Inc. التطبيقات

Angel Numbers 101 1.01
One of the most common ways in which angelsspeak to you is by showing you repetitive number sequences.Interpret these messages from your guardians with this numbersymbology guide based on Doreen Virtue's best-selling book, AngelNumbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444 and Other NumberSequences.Important number sequences appear in telephone numbers, licenseplates, receipts, clocks, and so on - this guide will give you themeaningful messages behind each of them. These messages areguidance from your celestial guardians that will help you withtopics such as health, happiness, fears, career, finances,relationships and family.Bring positive change to your life by finding sequences andmessages that describe your goals, desires and intentions, thenmeditate on them in order to bring its vibrational properties intoyour life.With this app you can:- Search a database to learn the meanings of each number sequencefrom 1 to 999.- Receive guidance from your celestial guardians through numbersequences that appear in your daily life.- Bring change to your life by meditating on a number sequencewhose message matches your goals.About the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
The Fall Festival 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
“I see critters picking apples. I get to pick apples, too”
Angel Tarot Cards 1.10
Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue andRadleigh Valentine is the first deck of tarot cards that is 100percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy!All of the words and artwork are positive and beautiful, whilestill retaining the magical effectiveness of traditional tarot.Rich with symbolism and imagery - including angels, archangels,unicorns, fairies, and mermaids - the Angel Tarot Cards willprovide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey!This beautiful app includes 78 Tarot cards appropriate for thebeginner or the expert.With this Tarot Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 5 different readings, including the CelticCross- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorsDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comRadleigh Valentine is an internationally known speaker, author,spiritual intuitive, and radio-show host. He has studied tarot formore than 20 years and teaches workshops around the U.S. He is alsothe creator of RadScopes, weekly horoscopes with an enchantingtwist of tarot.Official Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Archangel Michael Oracle Cards 1.10
Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by DoreenVirtue will help you communicate with your angels to overcomelife's challenges.Archangel Michael is a beloved and powerful protector andtrustworthy guide. He knows your life’s purpose and the best stepsfor you to take next. The 44 cards in this app feature messages foryou from Archangel Michael and incredible paintings of thismagnificent angel.You’ll also receive answers to your most pressing questions.This app gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct anaccurate, safe, and powerfully healing reading for yourself andothersWith this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. Doreen is the author of Healing with the Angels, Howto Hear Your Angels, Messages from Your Angels, Archangels &Ascended Masters, Solomon's Angels, and the Archangel Oracle Cards,among other works. Her products are available in most languagesworldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs; and writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit www.AngelTherapy.com.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Guidance from Your Angels 1.10
Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cardsby Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. is now available on your Android device.These Oracle Cards are designed to give you daily reminders of yourangels’ love and presence.This 44-card deck offers comforting and uplifting messages toset a positive and healing tone for the day. It also functions as adivination tool, as you can ask a question and find the messagethat gives you guidance and answers.This app is designed to help you stay centered in peacefulnessthroughout the day, and to remember that your angels are alwaysbeside you, ready to help you with every area of your life.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 4 different readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards 1.11
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by DoreenVirtue, Ph.D. help connect you with angelic, powerful, lovingbeings who want to help you with every part of your life.In this set of 44 oracle cards you'll learn who the differentcross-cultural goddesses are and how they can help you. Each cardgives you a specific message about how you can improve your life,health, relationships, finances, career, and spiritual path. Thegorgeous artwork on each card depicts Kuan Yin, Laksmi, Brigit,Isis, and Athena, as well as goddesses from Celtic, Mayan,Egyptian, Greek, Tibetan, Buddhist, and other traditions.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Messages from Your Angels 1.06
Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards byDoreen Virtue, Ph.D. is now available on your Android device. UseOracle Cards as daily reminders of your angels’ love and presence.This 44-card deck offers comforting and uplifting messages toset a positive and healing tone for the day. It also functions as adivination tool, as you can ask a question and find the messagethat gives you guidance and answers.This work is designed to help you stay centered in peacefulnessthroughout the day, and to remember that your angels are alwaysbeside you, ready to help you with every area of your life.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give Readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose from 11 different types of readings, including Soulmate,Life Purpose, and Abundance- Save and load your Readings for review at any time- E-mail Readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Dinosaur Bone - Little Critter 1.49
Join Little Critter in this interactivestorybook app as he embarks on a field trip to the Museum ofNatural History! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and followalong with three fun ways to read! Will Little Critter find theTriceratops bone missing from the dinosaur exhibit?Explore The Lost Dinosaur Bone:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudPlay two find-the-creature mini games! Can you can find all ofthe mice and spiders within the story? Tap to tally them up!Designed for children ages 2-5------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experiencematters to us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Mercer Mayer licensedapp: www.littlecritter.com
On Beyond Zebra! 1.49
Join young Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Delland his friend in this interactive book app as they create anonsensical alphabet beyond the letter Z! Explore pictures, learnnew vocabulary, and follow along with three fun ways to read! Froma Yuzz-a-ma-Tuzz to a Wumbus and a Glikker, come see how far beyondZ you can go!Explore On Beyond Zebra! - Dr. Seuss:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudDesigned for children ages 3-9------------------------------------------------------------------------The Reviews Are In:-“Overall, this series is as fun as it is educational, pairinganimated and interactive 'pop-up' style elements with high-qualityscience content.” - Digital Stortyime-“Well worth exploring if your children have a yen for “whimsicalcreatures.” - Apps playground------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Dr. Seuss licensed App. Dr. Seuss Properties ™ & ©2013 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. All rights reserved.
Angel Dreams Oracle Cards 1.11
Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue,Ph.D. and Melissa Virtue is now available on your Android device.Learn how to harness the power of your dreams to steer yourself inyour desired direction!This beautifully illustrated card deck app reveals the meaningbehind 55 basic dream symbols.Every night when you're asleep, your angels, your unconsciousmind, and the universe are giving you guidance, answers to yourquestions, and cautionary signs. This 55-card deck app will helpyou to take charge of your life and experience deep healing byunderstanding and processing these dream messages.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give "angel readings" anywhere, anytime on your mobiledevice- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorsDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. Doreen is the author of Healing with the Angels, Howto Hear Your Angels, Messages from Your Angels, Archangels &Ascended Masters, Solomon's Angels, and the Archangel Oracle Cards,among other works. Her products are available in most languagesworldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs; and writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit www.AngelTherapy.com.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comMelissa Virtue, Doreen’s daughter-in-law, began studying dreamsand communicating with the angels at a young age. She is an AngelTherapy Practitioner®, a medium, and a Light Resonance Healing®Practitioner. Melissa teaches workshops on dream interpretation andangels; created and teaches SpiralDance™, a spiritually based dancetechnique; and is the author of Dreamtime and the children's bookseries Magical Dream Journeys. Website: www.SacredSolas.com.Official Hay House licensed App: www.hayhouse.com
BB - Play a Good Game 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
The cubs learn fair play and sportsmanship.
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
"The thing that takes spots off a dress is a wall!"
Angel Therapy Oracle Cards 1.10
Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue,Ph.D. is now available on your Android device. Use Oracle Cards toinitiate healing; help you release fears and emotional blocks; andgive you messages about your life purpose, relationships,manifestations, and more.This beautiful app includes 44 oracle cards — each with agorgeous painting of angels and a message or answer for you. Thiseasy-to-use deck is appropriate for beginners as well as thoseexperienced with divination cards. Angel Therapy is a powerfulhealing and guidance process that involves working with yourguardian angels and the archangels (particularly Michael andRaphael). The app walks you through the steps for giving an oraclereading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meaningsbehind each card.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 4 different readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Heal with Angels Oracle Cards 1.11
Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards by DoreenVirtue, Ph.D. help you communicate with your angels to overcomelife's challenges.This beautiful app includes 44 oracle cards — each with a uniqueVictorian-style or Old Master-style angel picture. There are nonegative or frightening cards in this deck. Detailed text explainsthe full meaning of each card, and includes angel messages abouthealing from various life challenges. Learn how to give "angelreadings" with the cards, and have fun with your friends andfamily!With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Archangel Oracle Cards 1.10
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.connect you with powerful, wise, and loving guides who can motivateand heal you in miraculous ways.This deck of 45 Oracle Cards will familiarize you with the 15archangels, give you messages from them, help you to invoke them,and answer some of your important life questions. You'll learn howto give an accurate archangel reading for yourself and others.This app is designed to help empower, motivate, and inspire yourfriends, family members - and even yourself!With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Archangel Power Tarot Cards 1.11
Get answers with Archangel Power Tarot Cardsby Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Created for highlysensitive people, this card deck offers the encouragement needed toput your Divine messages into action.It’s not enough to receive answers— you also need courage,motivation, and empowerment to take steps based on those answers.Now you can receive accurate guidance in a gentle way and get theconfidence to act upon it. With the archangels as your guides,you’ll feel driven to move forward with positive life changes.This 78-card deck retains the magic of traditional tarot, withbeautiful and inspiring words and imagery.With the Archangel Power Tarot Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 5 different readings, including the CelticCross- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorsDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comRadleigh Valentine is an internationally known speaker, author,spiritual intuitive, and radio-show host. He has studied tarot formore than 20 years and teaches workshops around the U.S. He is alsothe creator of RadScopes, weekly horoscopes with an enchantingtwist of tarot.Official Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Once Upon a Potty: Boy 1.49
If it's time to potty train, "Once Upon aPotty: Boy" (Girl edition also available), is your new best friend.For decades, Alona Frankel’s toilet learning classics have beenhelping parents and children conquer the developmental leap fromdiaper to potty. Narrated by his mother's voice, Joshua learnsabout different body parts and functions, and figures out what thepotty is (and isn't) used for. This patient, loving and humorousBoy edition encourages children to learn through play and empowersparents and caregivers of all ages. Follow Joshua through hisstages of discovery, and enjoy the many delightful hidden audiosurprises throughout the story.Explore Once Upon a Potty:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words and pictures- SING-ALONG with two music modes: The Potty Song andSing-Along- ENJOY delightful, hidden sound effects and originalscene-by-scene music scoreDesigned for children ages 1-4Companion "Once Upon a Potty: Girl" application is alsoavailable!------------------------------------------------------------------------The Reviews Are In:- Editor's Choice - June 2011 Children'sTechnology Review- Featured in "5 Apps Designed to Make Potty Training a Breeze" -LilSugar 2013- Adapts well to the iPad, integrating amusing sound effects,interesting use of page transition and even a sing-a-long. - KirkusReviews------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial child matters media licensed App:www.childmattersmedia.com"Once Upon a Potty," "Joshua" ™ & ©2011 Alona Frankel. Allrights reservedLIKE facebook.com/onceuponapottyFOLLOW twitter.com/childmatters
The New Potty - Little Critter 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
"I sat on the potty first. Then my sister wasn't scared anymore."
I Think, I Am! - Louise L. Hay 1.49
Dive into this interactive book app for kidsand find out a simple but profound message: God is not far off inthe distance or even merely beside us- we are God! Explorepictures, learn new vocabulary, and follow along with three funways to read! Help kids grow to meet their greatest potentialin life with "I AM".Explore "I AM":- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- NARRATED by Dr. Dyer- CUSTOM background audioDesigned for children ages 4-8------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaAbout the AuthorsWayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author andspeaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of 30books, has created many audio programs and videos, and has appearedon thousands of television and radio shows. His books Manifest YourDestiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to EveryProblem, and The New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Successand Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, and ChangeYour Thoughts—Change Your Life have all been featured as NationalPublic Television specials.Wayne holds a doctorate in educational counseling from WayneState University and was an associate professor at St. John’sUniversity in New York. Visit his Website: www.DrWayneDyer.comKristina Tracy is having a great time working on children’sbooks with Wayne and Doreen. When she is not writing or being amom, she loves gardening, horseback riding, and rearranging thefurniture in her house. She may also be found at the counter atStarbucks pondering the infinite possibilities!Official Hay House licensed app: www.hayhouse.com
Heal Your Body A-Z -Louise Hay
Based on the bestselling book, Heal Your BodyA-Z, Louise L. Hay shows you that if you are willing to do themental work, almost anything can be healed.A fresh and easy step-by-step guide, set up in an A-Z format.Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find theprobable cause for this health issue, as well as the informationyou need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.The list of mental equivalents in this book has been compiledfrom Louise’s many years of study, her work with clients, and herlectures and workshops. You will find that it is very helpful as aquick-reference guide to the probable mental patterns behind thedis-ease in your body. As Louise says, “I offer you this list withlove, and a desire to share this simple method of helping to healyour body - A to Z!”This app features:- A quick reference table of over 400 health challenges- The Probable Cause and New Thought Pattern for each healthchallenge- A 'See Also' section that links related health issues- Introduction and More Information text from the bookAbout the Author –Louise L. Hay, the author of the international bestseller You CanHeal Your Life, is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with morethan 40 million books sold worldwide. For more than 25 years,Louise has helped people throughout the world discover andimplement the full potential of their own creative powers forpersonal growth and self-healing. Louise is the founder andchairman of Hay House, Inc., which disseminates books, CDs, DVDs,and other products that contribute to the healing of theplanet.Official Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com®
Mary, Queen of Angels Cards 1.07
Mother Mary is beloved for the purity of hercompassion, nurturing, and protection. She cares deeply about eachof us, and gives us tender motherly advice about every part oflife. This 44-card deck app is a beautiful, safe, and respectfulway to connect with Mother Mary's loving wisdom.Use these cards to receive accurate and trustworthy messages foryourself and others to illuminate the answers you’re seeking.With the Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle Cards you can:- Give "angel readings" anywhere, anytime on your Androiddevice- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. Doreen is the author of Healing with the Angels, Howto Hear Your Angels, Messages from Your Angels, Archangels &Ascended Masters, Solomon's Angels, and the Archangel Oracle Cards,among other works. Her products are available in most languagesworldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs; and writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit www.AngelTherapy.com.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed App: www.hayhouse.com
Romance Angels Oracle Cards 1.06
The Romance Angels Oracle Cards by DoreenVirtue, Ph.D. is now available on your iAndroid device. The RomanceAngels will help guide you to a lifetime of love!This beautifully illustrated 44-card deck allows you to receiveangelic guidance about your romantic status. Plus, conduct accurateand trustworthy readings for your friends and clients. The RomanceAngels Oracle Cards offer clarity about soul-mate relationships,healing from the past, and attracting more love into your life.Whether you're seeking answers for yourself or someone else, thesecards yield valuable insights.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give "angel readings" anywhere, anytime on your Androiddevice- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. Doreen is the author of Healing with the Angels, Howto Hear Your Angels, Messages from Your Angels, Archangels &Ascended Masters, Solomon's Angels, and the Archangel Oracle Cards,among other works. Her products are available in most languagesworldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs; and writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit www.AngelTherapy.com.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed App: www.hayhouse.com
Life Purpose Oracle Cards 1.11
Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtueallow you to conduct accurate and trustworthy readings to exploreyour life purpose.Each of the 44 beautifully illustrated cards contain anilluminating message from the angels that will offer clear andspecific answers, while at the same time allowing you to come onyour own individual spiritual path. Use these angel messages togain the confidence, courage and motivation you need to achieveyour particular mission in life.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 4 different readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse mode- Optimized for retina displaysAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed App: www.hayhouse.com
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards 1.10
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by DoreenVirtue, Ph.D. help you connect with angels and spirit guides toalter your future for the better.Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on herbest-selling book Archangels & Ascended Masters. The deckincludes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-culturaldeities, such as Ganesha, Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, PallasAthena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, GreenMan, and Kuthumi. The back of each card gives an expandedexplanation of each card’s meaning, and a brief history of eachascended master. As with each of Doreen’s oracle-card decks, themessages for each card are positive, accurate, andlife-affirming.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Spirit Messages Daily Guidance 1.09
The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle Deckwas created by renowned Psychic Medium John Holland to assist youin gaining support, comfort, and divine guidance from Spirit, aswell as from your loved ones, family, ancestors, friends, guides,and helpers in the Spirit World. These cards will also enable youto develop a higher awareness of the Universe and remind you thatyou are never truly alone.This extraordinary oracle cards app will bring insight andclarity around some of the major turning points in your life, andwill also provide reassurance that you’re indeed making the rightdecisions. The Spirit World communicates through these cards,offering guidance and direction in matters of self-love,vulnerability, relationships, trust, and much more. As you workwith these cards, they will not only strengthen your own naturalintuition but also deepen the powerful, loving bond that you andthe Spirit World share.With the Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle Deck app youcan:- Give “readings” anywhere, anytime on your mobile device- Choose between 4 different types of readings- Save and load your "readings" for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorInternationally renowned psychic medium John Holland has beenlecturing, teaching, demonstrating, and reading for private clientsfor more than 18 years. He believes passionately that once thephysical body dies, our spirit lives on. He has dedicated his lifeto his own spiritual development and teaching, as well as offeringpeace and comfort during times of loss and bereavement. “To see agroup of students walk out of one of my workshops inspired,awakened, motivated, and energized is all the gratitude that Ineed,” John says. “If I somehow help them to start their ownjourney, then I’ve done my job.”Author of the bestsellers Power of the Soul, Born Knowing,Psychic Navigator, and 101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition, Johnalso hosts his own weekly radio show on Hay House Radio, SpiritConnections. He has become a familiar face on TV on programs suchas the A&E special Mediums—We See Dead People, as well asappearing as a psychic authority on the History Channel’s PsychicHistory. John’s story was originally profiled on CBS’s UnsolvedMysteries.For further information about John, to find out about his seriesof workshops and other events, or to sign up for his free emailnewsletter, visit: www.johnholland.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Just Saving My Money 1.49
Join Little Critter in this interactive bookapp as he learns how to save his own money to buy a new skateboard!Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and follow along with threefun ways to read! From completing extra chores to setting up alemonade stand, how will Little Critter save up enough money?Explore Just Saving My Money - Little Critter:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudPlay two find-the-creature mini games! Can you can spot everyspider and mouse throughout the story? Tap to tally them up!Designed for children ages 2-5------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Mercer Mayer licensed app: www.littlecritter.com
Numerology Guidance Cards 1.08
The Numerology Guidance Cards are the ultimatetools of divination, providing clarity and insight to assist you onyour path. When you’re in need of answers, direction, inspiration,and hope, these cards will bridge the gap between your inner wisdomand the “universal wisdom of All That Is” through the ancientenergy of numbers. The 44 cards in this app contain specificnumbers, colors, and words to raise your energy vibration - plusthe ancient “Merkaba” and “Flower of Life” symbols to facilitateyour spiritual growth. This card deck app isn’t designed to“predict” your future - but rather to help you create the futureyou desire!With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 4 different types of readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorMichelle Buchanan is a speaker, teacher, and writer who hasstudied numerology for more than 20 years. She was formerly thespiritual counselor for Woman’s Day magazine (New Zealand), as wellas the resident numerologist for Television New Zealand’s GoodMorning. Michelle provides personal readings, workshops, andseminars to clients all over the world. She is also a talentedsinger/songwriter and dedicated mother of two based in NewZealand.To find out more about Michelle, visitwww.michellebuchanan.co.nzOfficial Hay House licensed app: www.hayhouse.com
BB - Say Their Prayers 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
Brother Bear discovers that God answers every prayer.
Gateway Oracle Cards 1.11
Find the keys to unlock the ancient wisdomwithin you with The Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn, nowavailable on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. With this 44-carddeck app, discover what destiny has in store for you and learn howto give accurate, heartfelt readings for yourself and others.This beautifully illustrated card deck app will help youinterpret the signs that are all around you, from your nightlydreams to the coincidences, synchronicities, and symbols in yourwaking life. You’ll realize how the Universe is always whisperingto you and you'll find assistance in understanding these secretmessages from the realm of the Spirit.An enchanted voyage awaits you. The keys through the gateway arein your hands!With Gateway Oracle Cards - Denise Linn you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose from four different reading types- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDenise Linn’s personal journey began as a result of a near-deathexperience at age 17. Her life-changing experiences and remarkablerecovery set her on a spiritual quest that led her to explore thehealing traditions of many cultures, including those of her ownCherokee ancestors, the Aborigines in the Australian bush, and theZulus in Bophuthatswana. She trained with a Hawaiian kahuna(shaman), and Reiki Master Hawayo Takata. She was also adopted intoa New Zealand Maori tribe. In addition, Denise lived in a ZenBuddhist monastery for more than two years.Denise is an internationally renowned teacher in the field ofself-development.She’s the author of the bestseller Sacred Space and theaward-winning Feng Shui for the Soul, and has written 16 books,which are available in 24 languages. Denise has appeared innumerous documentaries and television shows worldwide, givesseminars on six continents, and is the founder of the InternationalInstitute of Soul Coaching®, which offers professionalcertification programs in life coaching. For information aboutDenise’s certification program and other lectures, please visit herWebsite: www.DeniseLinn.comOfficial Hay House licensed app: www.hayhouse.com
Enchanted Map Oracle Cards 1.10
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by ColetteBaron-Reid is now available on your Android device. This beautiful54 card deck app allows you to chart a course to live a life ofdeep purpose, true prosperity, and vibrant love. Your best lifeawaits!Between the visible and the unseen is a guiding force that somecall Spirit, the Holy Will, the Divine, the Field, orConsciousness. Using this card deck app will connect you to thatlarger Consciousness and guide you as you travel along on thejourney of your life.The themes of these cards represent some of the places you'llvisit, the conditions you may encounter, and the allies andchallengers you'll meet as you navigate a metaphoric map of yourlife's journey. The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards empower you tounderstand the story of your fate, destiny, and free will. Stepinto the Enchanted Map . . . and watch the magic come alive!With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 5 different types of readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorColette Baron-Reid, the author of Remembering the Future, is apopular spiritual intuitive, seminar leader, radio personality,motivational speaker, and musical recording artist on the EMI musiclabel (with a top-selling meditation CD, Journey Through theChakras). She has shared the stage with authors Sylvia Browne,Caroline Myss, and many others. She currently lives in Toronto,Canada, with her husband and their two furry children.Website: www.colettebaronreid.comOfficial Hay House licensed app: www.hayhouse.com
The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards 1.08
The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards by John Hollandis now available on your Android device. The 65 beautifullyillustrated cards in this deck will create a powerful bridgebetween your psychic abilities and the ancient knowledge andmeanings of the tarot; and will help you develop intuitive insightsabout all areas of your life, including love and relationships,business matters, and even career changes.This fascinating deck will work for you whether you’re a noviceor are already in tune with your psychic abilities. In theaccompanying text, psychic medium John Holland imparts techniquesthat he’s practiced himself and taught in his workshops, relatingto colors, symbology, shapes, words, card spreads, divination,numerology, energy centers, imagination, and more. By using thecards, you’ll be able to incorporate John’s techniques when you doa tarot reading for yourself or others.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give “readings” anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your "readings" for review at any time- E-mail “readings” to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorInternationally renowned psychic medium John Holland has beenlecturing, teaching, demonstrating, and reading for private clientsfor more than 18 years. He believes passionately that once thephysical body dies, our spirit lives on. He has dedicated his lifeto his own spiritual development and teaching, as well as offeringpeace and comfort during times of loss and bereavement. “To see agroup of students walk out of one of my workshops inspired,awakened, motivated, and energized is all the gratitude that Ineed,” John says. “If I somehow help them to start their ownjourney, then I’ve done my job.”Author of the bestsellers Power of the Soul, Born Knowing,Psychic Navigator, and 101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition, Johnalso hosts his own weekly radio show on Hay House Radio, SpiritConnections. He has become a familiar face on TV on programs suchas the A&E special Mediums—We See Dead People, as well asappearing as a psychic authority on the History Channel’s PsychicHistory. John’s story was originally profiled on CBS’s UnsolvedMysteries.For further information about John, to find out about his seriesof workshops and other events, or to sign up for his free emailnewsletter, visit: www.johnholland.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards 1.10
The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by ColetteBaron-Reid is now available on your Android device. Use OracleCards as an inspirational tool to bridge the unseen world of Spiritand the physical world of our day-to-day lives.This beautiful app includes 52 oracle cards — each withbeautiful full-color illustrations. Based on the rich mythology ofancient Britain’s Isle of Avalon and the wisdom teachings of itspriestesses, these cards will help you find valuable and powerfulinsights in all aspects of life as you chart your path and manifestyour destiny with clarity and purpose.Their use will shed light on what has been, what needsillumination in the present, and what will weave patterns into thefuture. The deck will help you discover the potential of your ownintuition as you follow the omens and symbols of the Goddess, theKingdom of the Faeries, Merlin, and the Priestess of magicalAvalon. See into the future...and discover that you are more thanyou know!With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give “readings” anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your "readings" for review at any time- E-mail “readings” to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorColette Baron-Reid, the author of Remembering the Future, is apopular spiritual intuitive, seminar leader, radio personality,motivational speaker, and musical recording artist on the EMI musiclabel (with a top-selling meditation CD, Journey Through theChakras). She has shared the stage with authors Sylvia Browne,Caroline Myss, and many others. She currently lives in Toronto,Canada, with her husband and their two furry children.Website: www.colettebaronreid.comOfficial Hay House licensed App: www.hayhouse.com
I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
"The Cat in the Hat tells three zany stories about his familymembers."
What a Bad Dream 1.49
Join Little Critter in this interactive bookapp as he has a bad dream that a magic potion turns him into ascary, disagreeable monster that no one wants to be around! Explorepictures, learn new vocabulary, and follow along with three funways to read! Young children will relate to the sweet and funnyending when Little Critter finds out that it was just a bad dream!Explore What a Bad Dream - Little Critter:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudDesigned for children ages 2-5------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Mercer Mayer licensed app: www.littlecritter.com
Trick or Treat -Little Critter 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
“Halloween is coming and Little Critter has a lot to do to getready!”
I Was So Mad - Little Critter 1.49
Join Little Critter in this interactive bookapp as he gets mad because everyone keeps telling him no! Explorepictures, learn new vocabulary, and follow along with three funways to read! Will Little Critter get so mad that he runs away, orwill his bad day be salvaged with a little help from a friend?Explore I Was So Mad - Little Critter:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudPlay a find-the-creature mini game! Can you can spot everycreature throughout the story? Tap to tally them up!Designed for children ages 2-5------------------------------------------------------------------------The Reviews Are In:- "Fabulous" - CNET- Young kids will enjoy the stories of Little Critter -PadGadget.com------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Mercer Mayer licensed app: www.littlecritter.com
BB - Discover God’s Creation 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
The cubs grow to appreciate our beautiful world.
Chris P. Bacon -My Life So Far 1.49
Join Chris P. Bacon- an adorable baby pig whowas born without the use of his back legs- as he tells the story ofhis life so far! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, andpersonalize the story with your own narration. Dive into thisinteractive book app and follow this inspiring little guy as hebecomes a YouTube and talk-show sensation after his adopted dad,veterinarian Len Lucero, posts a video of the tiny pig learning touse his cart made of toys. What important lessons will your familylearn in his first- but certainly not his last- book?Explore Chris P. Bacon: My Life So Far:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudDesigned for children ages 4-10------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Hay House licensed app: www.hayhouse.comAbout the AuthorsLen Lucero, DVM, is a veterinarian who lives in Sumterville,Florida with his wife and two children. Growing up on small ranchin New Mexico, Len always loved animals and dreamed of becoming aveterinarian. His dream came true, and he now owns and operatesSumter Mobile Veterinarian where he takes care of animals bothlarge and small. One of those small animals came into his life tostay—and that is his little friend and companion Chris P.Bacon.Kristina Tracy is a writer, mom, and many other things (wife,gardener, decorator, horseback rider). She lives in Olivenhain,California, with her husband and two children, Ava and Dane. She isthe author of nine children's books, written in collaboration withthe best-selling authors Louise L. Hay, Deepak Chopra, ChristianeNorthrup, M.D., Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, and more.Chris P. Bacon, the pig in a wheelchair who quickly became aYouTube sensation in early 2013 with over 1.2 million views, issetting out to teach children about compassion, acceptance, andloving your imperfections. Chris P. Bacon was rescued by hisveterinarian Dr. Len Lucero after a young woman reluctantly droppedhim off to be euthanized because of a congenital defect thataffects his rear legs. Dr. Lucero gave Chris a second chance atlife and with two wheels strapped to the rear of his body, he isnow a perfectly healthy and happy piggie on-the-go.
Polar Bear Horizon 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
Polar bear and her two cubs emerge from their winter den
Merry Christmas Mom and Dad 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
"I picked out a Christmas tree just for you..."
Is Apatosaurus Okay? 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
"Apatosaurus must defend herself from a Ceratosaurus group"
The Butter Battle Book 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
"Butter side up or Butter side down? The feud continues"
Tacky's Christmas 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
The penguins celebrate Christmas in Nice Icy Land.
Thank You, Angels! 1.49
Dive into in this interactive book app thatteaches children how to ask an angel for help, how to recognize anangel’s voice, and what signs angels may use to show theirpresence! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and follow alongwith three fun ways to read! If you're looking for a simpleand effective way to enrich the spiritual health of your children,this interactive storybook app will not disappoint.Explore Thank You, Angels!:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- NARRATED by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D- CUSTOM background audioDesigned for children ages 4-8------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaAbout the AuthorsDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with theangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with the Angelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; and AngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released the AngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her first children’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101, MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel Therapy MeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is available now. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevision and radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World, New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For more information on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visit her at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call herfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comKristina Tracy is having a great time working on children’sbooks with Wayne and Doreen. When she is not writing or being amom, she loves gardening, horseback riding, and rearranging thefurniture in her house. She may also be found at the counter atStarbucks pondering the infinite possibilities!Official Hay House licensed app: www.hayhouse.com
Fox in Socks - Dr. Seuss 2.47
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
"When tweetle beetles fight, it's called a tweetle beetle battle."
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms 1.08
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards byColette Baron-Reid is now available as an interactive app for yourAndroid device. Use these Oracle Cards to give yourself and othersaccurate, loving, and helpful readings that will show you the wayto the Divine path for your destiny.Mystics have passed down stories of magical realms hidden frommortal sight, bridging the world of Nature and Spirit. Even beforethe written word, the ancients established a Divine partnershipbetween humans and these Hidden Realms. These cards represent someof those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and othermagical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way totransformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the SunDancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to thedepth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for theHighest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they willanswer.This beautiful app includes 44 oracle cards — each with agorgeous painting and a message or answer for you. This easy-to-usedeck is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced withdivination cards. The app walks you through the steps for giving anoracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extendedmeanings behind each card.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give “readings” anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your "readings" for review at any time- E-mail “readings” to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each card andmessage- “Readings” include upright cards as an Ally, or upside-down cardsas a Challenger- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorColette Baron-Reid is an internationally acclaimed intuitivecounselor with a client base spanning 29 countries. She hasfacilitated hundreds of her popular seminars and workshops ondeveloping intuition and the art of creating reality worldwide.She’s a highly sought after and powerful motivational speaker,performer, and storyteller, is a popular guest on radio andtelevision throughout the world, as well as a musical artist signedto the EMI Music label. She has a best-selling meditation CD,Journey Through the Chakras.Official Hay House licensed Android App: www.hayhouse.com
5 Monkeys Play Hide and Seek 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
Lulu the babysitter plays hide and seek with five clever monkeys!
I Love You Too - Ziggy Marley 1.49
Sing and play with Ziggy Marley as you explorehis first children's book based off the song from his Grammy Awardwinning album "Family Time"! Explore pictures, learn newvocabulary, and follow along with three fun ways to read! Completewith a sing-a-long and narration by Ziggy himself, your wholefamily will be singing "I Love You Too" when you dive into thisinteractive book app!Explore I Love You Too - Ziggy Marley:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new words by tapping pictures- PROFESSIONAL narration and custom sound effects- SING along with Ziggy Marley!------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Tuff Gong Worldwide LLC. licensedapp: www.tuffgongworldwide.com
Elmer and the Lost Teddy 1.49
Join Elmer in this interactive book app as hesearched for Baby Elephant's lost teddy bear! Explore pictures,learn new vocabulary, and follow along with three fun ways to read!Will Elmer find the lost teddy bear in time for bed?Explore Elmer and the Lost Teddy:- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words- TAP objects to hear their name read aloudDesigned for children ages 3-8------------------------------------------------------------------------The Reviews Are In:- "If you're looking for a good bedtime story, certainly check thisout" - Internet Gumshoe- "One of the best interactive books I've seen for my kids!" -App-a-Snap------------------------------------------------------------------------We'd Love To Hear From You!- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience mattersto us.- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemediaOfficial Andersen Press licensed App:www.andersenpress.co.uk
Tacky the Penguin 2.45
Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
Tacky the penguin saves the day!